Mangaung Metro will be embarking on the upgrade of prepaid water meters token identity (TID) rollover. These upgrades will take place until the cut-off date of Sunday, 24 November 2024. The project will run across the different parts of the municipality, and it is aimed at encouraging residents of Mangaung to convert the vending system on their current prepaid water meters.
Once the area gets scheduled, the new system is launched to generate a key change update code and the customer will be able to punch in the codes and convert to the new system. Over 16 000 meters will be rolled over before the deadline date and failure to convert into the new system will result in residents not being able to recharge their meters and they will be without water supply.
Property owners will be issued with four (4) sets of 20-digit tokens to be punched in via the keypad. These tokens must be punched in as per the sequence indicated. After each set has been successfully punched in, the screen on the meter should indicate that the token is accepted. The same process must be followed for each set of the tokens until all five tokens are punched in. This process requires the owner to be close to the meter during this process.
Follow these easy steps to rollover your prepaid water meters:
1. Enter the first 20-digit update code and wait for it to accept.
2. Follow the same step as mentioned in point number 1, for the next 2 (20-digit) tokens provided.
3. Enter your fourth (4th) 20-digit token to recharge your unit as normal.
Upon successful entry of the last token (token number 4), 200 litres of water should reflect on the keypad, and this shall be the confirmation that your prepaid water meter has been upgraded. The 200 litres of water shall be recovered from your next purchase. Residents are advised that during the implementation of the project, there will be no interruption of water supply due to the TID rollover project.
Should you require the tokens to be emailed to you please send your account number/ prepaid meter number to Alternatively, property owners can contact their Ward Councillors; or visit Municipal offices; or phone the call centre number at 0800111300, which operates until 10:00 pm (everyday).