Budget - IDP - SDBIPNotices

MPAC Oversight Report 2022/2023

Honourable Speaker, Executive Mayor; Deputy Mayor; Council Whip; fellow councillors, administrative leadership; community of Mangaung; it is with great pleasure to submit to Council, the oversight report of the Municipal Public Accounts Committee (MPAC) on the 2022/2023 Annual Performance Report of the Mangaung Metropolitan Municipality. This oversight report is a crucial part of our duty to ensure transparency and accountability in the governance of our municipality. The oversight report tabled by MPAC demonstrates our commitment to fulfilling our obligations as outlined in the Municipal Structures Act 117 of 1998 and the Municipal Finance Management Act 56 of 2003. as amended respectively. These legislative frameworks mandate us to exercise oversight on the work of the municipality and its entity, ensuring that public funds are used efficiently and effectively for the benefit of all residents.